Fingerbank Privacy Agreement

The goals of Fingerbank is to identify devices in general - not users of these devices nor associate an user to a device. For example, Fingerbank can be used to identity a Samsung Galaxy S8 phone, but not the Samsung Galaxy S8 owned by Jane Doe. The Fingerbank project does not care about information that ties devices to individuals (for example, the MAC address, the IMEI, etc.) - it cares about general data common to all devices of a specific type.

Fingerbank does not:

  • store personal information (name, email address, phone number, etc.)
  • use or store the IP address of an incoming Cloud API request, except temporarily to prevent abuse or denial of service attacks

By utilizing the Fingerbank Cloud API, you agree to:

  • send device information data used to identify devices. The Cloud API usage and the device information you can send that is relevant in the identification process is documented.
  • allow Fingerbank to store the Cloud API submitted data to continuously improve its devices identification rules and techniques. This data is securely stored and not accessible publicly. This data is only processed by Fingerbank and not shared to any third parties.

Fingerbank may, at its will, license the identification rules or provide access to the Cloud API to paying customers. Paying customers do not get an augmented version of the Cloud API - they are rather allowed to perform more queries per hour than non-paying users.